Experience your Design with Integrated Modeling & Simulation
MODSIM Educational Series - Learn how ‘MODSIM’ transforms product development
What is MODSIM?
Modeling & Simulation, or MODSIM, is a data-driven, collaborative approach to product development.Bring your teams closer together with concurrent modeling and simulation processes.
Carry out design verification and validation earlier on in the design process.
Deliver faster product innovation with simulation-driven design, develop better products faster.
The MODSIM Education Series
In a series of short episodes, TECHNIA's Engineering and Simulation experts will demonstrate how MODSIM is used with ease applying it to the design and validation process. The series features our very own experts alongside customer testimonials.
The Episodes
1. Why Do Simulation?
2. Creating Models for Simulation
3. Materials and Non-Linearities
4. Simulating Assemblies
5. Meshing and Elements
6. Loads and Boundary Conditions
7. Steps and Analysis Types
8. Visualising Results